Friday, November 14, 2008

Morning Madness

At 6:00am my alarm goes off and my day begin. I hate waking up in the morning so I set the alarm over again for about 15 more minutes. Aftter that i brace myself and get ready for school. At times things seem to go wrong in the morning like my sister being in the bathroom too long. Or even somebody getting up to talk to me, i think it be too early to talk to anyone. Then when i'm finally able to get completely ready i got to get ready to get on the bus with al types of people. But sometimes i can look forward to getting up in the morning and going through different things. At the end of the day i see all my friends and get the day over with.

1 comment:

JuJu's World said...

Yeah it do be to early to talk to anybody expecially when they just woke up and they breath don't smell to good